Chapter 34

As he made his way up one of the twisted staircases of the Cahal Pech Temple, Daniel glanced curiously up at Sam, who was way in front of him, but still lagging behind their tour group. He wasn’t expecting to find her so energetic, especially after walking through most of the grounds and climbing so many stairs. Her pretty face was radiant with excitement, curiosity, and something else as they made their way through the tour. Daniel couldn’t put his finger on it, but the nearly perpetual smile on her lips seemed to reveal some potent feeling deep within her.

Sam felt as though her legs had springs inside them as she bounded up the stairs of the temple. She barely noticed that Daniel was trying hard to keep up with her until she reached the top. She found it odd that she wasn’t standing there hunched over and trying to catch her breath. It was as if she was infused with a new, powerful kind of energy in limitless supply. At first, she chalked it up to the hearty breakfast they’d had just several hours before. But food didn’t have the tendency to have such a strong influence on her. She began to entertain the possibility that the events of the night before had something to do with it.

She waited rather impatiently as Daniel finally reached the top step and made his way over to her. He looked at her curiously at first and then accusingly.

“Any reason in particular that you’re running away from me?” he asked her quietly, with an impish spark in his eye. “Did my archaeo-babble embarrass you?” Not that he could help babbling; he found the history behind the ruins so fascinating and had begun to fill Sam in on some intricate details that the tour guide had left out. Waiting for her answer, he gave her a mock hurt expression before glancing downward and fidgeting with the cord of the tan boonie hat he was wearing.

Sam chuckled and shook her head. “Why would that embarrass me, Daniel?” she asked, a touch incredulous, even though she was fairly certain that he was joking.

Daniel blushed faintly and shrugged before he looked back up at her with an awkward smile. “I guess I just didn’t expect you to be bounding up the steps at full steam.”

Sam uttered a girlish giggle and then cleared her throat in embarrassment. “I … uh … I can’t really explain it. I just have so much energy today. I feel like I could run a triathlon and never tire. I just … I just have this fresh, wonderful feeling!” she exclaimed.

Her smile faded when she caught his crooked grin and heard a snicker. “What?”

“You sound like a deodorant commercial,” he said, amused.

Sam lightly swatted him across the chest but grinned back. “Well, I do!” she insisted between giggles.

Daniel didn’t answer her, but kept looking at her with a grin on his face that eased into an affectionate smile. Finally he edged closer to her and pulled her into his arms. “You’re amazing,” he said tenderly as he gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

Sam’s face glowed even brighter, if such a thing was even possible, and it prompted Daniel to chuckle affectionately. They suddenly noticed the tour guide moving on with the rest of the group, so they broke apart and rushed to catch up with them.

Once the group arrived at the far end of the temple, the guide resumed his discussion about the site in softly accented English. “Throughout the Classic Period …”

“Roughly A.D. 300-800,” Daniel quietly added, leaning in to Sam. Sam nodded and grinned. He had mentioned this at least one other time, but she found his earnest attempts to elaborate on the guide’s spiel adorable.

“… The site continued to flourish. Many of the large temples – including this one – and the palaces were erected during this time. During the last centuries of the first millennia, however, many of the occupants began to abandon the center,” the guide continued.

“That’s often referred to as the Maya Collapse,” Daniel told her. His tone was quiet, but Sam could hear the excitement edging into his voice once again. “There isn’t much in literature about why this site was depopulated – no one really has any idea what the cause was. It’s very intriguing because other centers in the Belize Valley continued to thrive for several more centuries …”

He trailed off as soon as he caught Sam staring at him, her face cracked open in a wide grin. “What?” he asked suspiciously, drawing the word out.

“Oh, Daniel, you’re just so cute!” she exclaimed playfully. She grabbed him and planted a quick kiss on his mouth, causing him to utter a slight sound of surprise.

“Cute?” he squeaked out incredulously.

Sam quickly took notice that no one had seen her little display of affection. Still, a faint blush colored her cheeks and she laughed sheepishly. “Sorry, but I love seeing you so happy and excited about things … so in your element.” She ducked her head slightly.

Daniel looked at her for a few seconds and then adopted a blush himself.

“You know what I mean,” she continued, still sounding awkward. “And as I said before, I find it all very interesting.”

A smile finally grew on Daniel’s face and he gave her a small hug. “I’m glad that you do,” he said fondly. “I’ve read so much about this place but I only visited it once, back when I first started my graduate studies. I’d been meaning to go back, but it sort of took a back seat when I concentrated more on Egyptology. Still, I kept reading up on it, as much as I could, anyway. I’m really glad that I was able to visit it again.” He flashed a grateful smile at Sam. “I am a little disappointed, though.”

Sam’s smile faded and she regarded him curiously. “Why?”

Daniel shrugged. “I kept hoping that we would find something really incredible or controversial. It’s all basically as I remembered it from graduate school. Then again, this site has been excavated quite extensively, especially over the past five to ten years. I suppose that, if they’d found something really big, it wouldn’t have gone undocumented.”

Sam looked at him intently before realization lit up her eyes. She surmised that he was thinking about their theory and wondering if it could possibly have a broader reach across the globe. Daniel must have been looking ahead, thinking that the theory might not be well-received if they only had evidence from Egypt. If they found similar data elsewhere, it might lend more credence to the idea and make it sit better among the academics from whom they’d try to get funding. Of course, this was only a guess but, knowing Daniel, she couldn’t put it past him. She nodded slowly.

“Well, there are more ruins we can take a look at,” he continued, attempting to rid his voice of the glum tone it had taken on. “And it’s only the second day of our honeymoon.”

Sam’s brows drew together in confusion. “Don’t tell me this is all we’re going to do the whole time,” she said, disbelief creeping into her voice.

Daniel sighed and gave her a rueful smile. “No, it’s not. Sorry, Sam, I just got a little carried away there.” He put his arm around her and began rubbing her shoulder.

“I know where you’re going with this,” she said. “I would love to find some evidence that correlates with what we found in Egypt, but I don’t want to make this honeymoon all work and no relaxation. Okay?”

Daniel looked into her eyes and nodded. “I know you probably don’t believe me, but that was never my intention. I thought you might enjoy the more off-the-beaten-path feel to this place, as well as the relative seclusion. I love you, Sam, and I only want you to be happy.”

She met his eyes with reassurance. “I am, Daniel. I just want us to have some playtime, too.”

Daniel’s face flushed almost to his ears, behind which his floppy light brown hair was safely tucked, and he began to nervously finger the cord of his hat once again. “Playtime,” he repeated awkwardly with a hint of a rakish smile. “That’s a pretty broad term, isn’t it?”

“You want it to be?” she asked him coyly. That only resulted in a deeper blush from Daniel, causing Sam to utter a short laugh. “I’m not talking just about that. I also want to relax on the beach a little, do some shopping, and maybe take a different kind of sight-seeing tour.”

Daniel’s blush faded and he gave her a little smile. “We’ll do that,” he said simply.

Sam nodded. “Think we can get in a little beach bumming after we get back to the hotel?”

“Sure, why not?” Daniel said as his smile grew. He looked down at her watch and realized that it was nearly 2 pm; the tour was almost over. He turned back to where the tour guide had been standing and realized that they were the only two people still on the top level of the temple. “And it appears that our group has left us,” he said awkwardly.

“Oh, geez,” Sam remarked, flustered. They heard voices below them and headed back the way they came. Glancing downward, they saw the rest of the group descending the stairs and they rushed to catch up to them.


Sam sat up on the chaise lounge, the warm tropical breezes tickling her bare shoulders as she sipped her cool drink. It was nearly three o’clock, but the sun was as bright as ever, lighting up the bright blue, nearly cloudless, sky and making the clear, azure water sparkle invitingly. She was shaded by the palm-roofed palapa under which she sat, but was still glad that she’d slathered herself up with sunscreen.

She regarded the empty lounge chair next to her and the little table in between, on which a drink identical to hers sat. She grinned and thought back to when she and Daniel had first come down to the beach. They’d just returned from the tour at around twenty minutes past two and they headed straight for their hotel room. Sam was determined to spend some time on the beach and Daniel admitted that it was not a bad idea. She changed into her bathing suit and he changed into a pair of swim trunks and a short-sleeved, buttoned shirt that he kept open.

They’d made their way down to the main level and were about to exit to the beach when he sighed, annoyed. He’d forgotten not only his hat, but his sunglasses as well. Sam was surprised, as he’d had them with him during the tour. He absent-mindedly left them back in the room when he changed into his bathing suit. He asked Sam to save a spot for them and promised he’d be right back.

Daniel seemed to be taking longer than usual and, in that span of time, a young man made his way over to her and asked if she’d like a drink. From his clothes, his tanned complexion and winning smile, and his nametag, she realized that he worked at the hotel. She decided on a frozen, most definitely non-alcoholic drink that was a blend of fruits like watermelon, pineapple and passion fruit. She figured that Daniel might like one, especially after that long tour, and ordered one for him as well.

Now, as she sipped the drink once more, she couldn’t help thinking about how the young man talked to her. It was not unusual for hotel staff to be friendly, but he seemed to go out of his way to make sure everything was just perfect for her. Not only that, but she witnessed a twinkle in his eye as he brought the drinks back. She thought she caught him winking at her after he told her, “Please let me know if you need anything else.” Then again, he had probably gotten something in her eye and she was just being paranoid. She decided that the notion that he’d be flirting with her was silly.

She looked straight ahead and watched the various people who passed by. The beach wasn’t especially crowded but there was still a good opportunity for people-watching. There were a few families with young children, quite a few people of retirement age, several young blonde women speaking in a foreign tongue – probably some Scandinavian language, Sam guessed – who were also sunning themselves, and then the most populous group: the young couples.

Sam wondered how many of these young couples were newlyweds like her and Daniel. She found them mostly walking arm and arm down the length of the beach, smiling broadly at one another, and even kissing in each other’s arms, not worried for a second that they were out in broad daylight amongst many strangers. Watching these couples that were so much in love strengthened the strong feeling inside her that had given her so much drive and energy today. It was one that resulted from discovery and subsequent realization of the deep desire she had for Daniel. She continued to watch the couples go by and hoped that Daniel would soon arrive.

A light tap on her shoulder brought her abruptly out of her reverie.

“Señorita?” a familiar voice asked.

Her gaze flew in the direction of the voice and she found the young man who worked at the bar standing at her side, looking at her purposefully.

She smiled inwardly, a bit flattered at first that he referred to her in the diminutive to suggest that she was young. She then remembered that it could also have been used to assume that she was unmarried. “I’m sorry,” she said, clearing her throat awkwardly as she gave him an expectant look.

The young man eyed her and then looked down at her half-finished drink. “Would you like another?”

“Oh, uh … no, I’m fine,” she replied, deliberately holding out her hand and clutching the glass once again. It was the hand on which she wore her wedding ring.

The man must have gotten the idea and he nodded quickly. “Okay,” he said before darting back up the beach and in the direction of the bar.

Sam affected a small grin and took another sip of her drink. She didn’t notice that Daniel had made his way to the beach at last and had sought her out.

“Hey,” he said softly, almost startling her as he appeared virtually out of nowhere. His slightly apologetic eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses as he sat himself down on the edge of the chaise lounge next to her.

Sam bit back an amused grin as she took in his appearance. With his brown trunks, open yellow shirt, and boonie hat that rested on his back while the cord hung around his neck, he looked almost like a typical tourist. She impulsively removed his sunglasses so she could have a look at his beautiful blue eyes.

Daniel gave her a crooked smile. “I couldn’t help noticing that he seemed awfully friendly toward you,” he said in a mock suspicious, almost teasing, tone.

Sam responded with a smile that matched his and nodded. “Yes, he was a bit friendly, but you’ll also notice that he left rather quickly. I think he caught a glimpse of this.” She held out her hand, gesturing to her ring. “He knew he wouldn’t have a chance,” she grinned.

Daniel laughed. “And for that I’m thankful,” he said before putting his arm around her and kissing her.

Sam chuckled softly and beamed. She then noticed the extra drink. “Oh, I got you something,” she commented as she grabbed the drink and handed it to him.

Daniel nodded thanks as he took the glass. His brow furrowed as he eyed it tentatively. “What is it?”

“Same thing I have,” she said, gesturing to her glass. “It’s like a smoothie, only without the milk. It’s … um, watermelon, pineapple, and passion fruit; maybe some coconut too. But no alcohol.”

Daniel relaxed visibly and took a sip. His eyebrows rose quickly as he experienced its delicious flavor. “That’s pretty good,” he remarked, surely an understatement as he took a few more sips.

Sam smiled and nodded. She leaned back in the chaise lounge and sighed. “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” she said dreamily.

Daniel took another sip of his drink and briefly set the glass down. “It is,” he replied. “I don’t think I could ask for a more perfect day.” He looked over at Sam and smiled tenderly.

She returned his smile and sighed contentedly. “I think I could sit out here almost forever.”

Almost forever turned out to be almost one hour. In that span of time, she and Daniel had finished their drinks, took a short walk down the beach, and had gone for a little swim. After retiring back to their shady sanctuary, they sat back and relaxed for a short time before Daniel sat up, nervously clutched at his damp hair, and looked at Sam hesitantly. “I, ah … I’m thinking of checking out that library now,” he said.

Sam studied his face and frowned slightly. He has a whole week for that, she thought to herself. She sighed and gave him a resigned expression. “Well, it is almost four o’clock,” she said, attempting to mask the disappointment in her tone. “I guess we could check it out for a little while.” She knew she was wasting her breath with that last sentence, as Daniel would probably spend an eternity in there if he could.

Daniel gave her a grateful smile and a kiss, which seemed to make her disappointment briefly fade. They rose from the chairs, gathered up their towels, and made their way back to the main building.


Having gotten cleaned up and changed into clean clothes, Sam and Daniel were downstairs in the hotel’s extensive library. At first, Sam wandered around, taking interest in some books on tropical horticulture, as well as on a few about the Mayan civilization. After a while, she began to grow bored and was anxious to do something else. Daniel was obviously having a field day, going through most of the books on archaeology and anthropology.

Finally, Sam looked at her watch and realized it was near four-thirty. She decided she would go and do some shopping. She didn’t think Daniel would be up to doing anything like that, especially as he was so engrossed in the books. She formulated a plan in her head before she edged up to him and touched him on the back.

“Anything interesting?” she asked nonchalantly.

Daniel gave her a slight nod. “Very interesting, although nothing I haven’t really heard of before.”

Sam grinned, fully expecting his answer. She was about to say more when he interrupted her, “I was hoping to find something intriguing about one of the few temples I had in mind, so we could narrow down locations in which to continue our search. But, there’s nothing. I have to admit that it’s a little frustrating.” He sighed and gave her a rueful smile.

Sam’s grin faded and she gazed at him sympathetically. “This sort of thing always is, Daniel. I’m sure you’ll come up with something. But remember, we’re mostly here to relax and celebrate our honeymoon.” She finished with a half smile.

“I know,” he said softly.

She met his gaze and nodded. After a beat, she continued, “I hope you don’t mind if I say I want to do a little shopping.”

“Ah … shopping?” he asked, a hint of dread in his voice.

Sam picked up on it and laughed softly. “I was going to catch a bus to the village and just poke around in some of the shops. I didn’t think you’d be interested, so you can stay in here and I’ll meet you back up at the room before dinner.” She swallowed hard, feeling a little guilty for suggesting that they split up for a little while.

Fortunately, Daniel seemed to be reading her mind and he didn’t think it was a bad idea himself. “Sure, Sam. To be honest, I didn’t think you’d be terribly interested in any of this,” he said, waving his arms around at the books before he returned his gaze to her. “If you want to shop, I don’t want to hold you back. Why don’t we meet back upstairs in an hour? Would that be enough of time?”

Sam thought for a moment and then nodded. “Yeah, it should be,” she replied. “Are you sure it will be enough for you?” she asked with a teasing grin.

Daniel chuckled softly. “It will, I promise.”

She nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning and heading out of the library.


The effects of their long day beginning to catch up on her, Sam wearily made her way toward a small shop at the edge of the village center. She’d been inside most of the establishments and the most she’d walked away with was a souvenir keychain. Some of the shops did offer some lovely gifts, but nothing that seemed all that practical to her. Nevertheless, she had promised Sara and her father that she would bring something back for them.

She entered the shop and smiled at the proprietor in reply to his friendly greeting. She browsed through the short aisles with minimal interest. She managed to find a lovely bracelet woven with stones that was reasonably cheap and which she thought would make a nice gift for Sara. She wandered a bit further to a small clothing section and eyed a handsome, woven belt that she thought her father might like. It was also reasonably priced. Apart from these two items, nothing really struck her fancy.

She was about to head over to the cashier where the shopkeeper was patiently standing when she spotted what appeared to be pottery out of the corner of her eye. She slowly walked over to the small corner and she sighed in defeat, realizing that what she’d seen was nothing more than handcrafted ceramic plates and various containers.

One piece seemed to stick out like a sore thumb against the rest. Sam bent down and looked at the jar curiously. Its antiquated appearance made her wonder if it was some sort of artifact. It did appear to resemble the types of artifacts she’d just seen in some of the books inside the hotel’s library.

She picked it up carefully, her eyes widening upon finding various pictographs on it. The designs were colorful and intricately done. She edged up and walked over to the cashier. “Excuse me,” she began. “I’m interested in this piece. Can you tell me what it is?”

The shopkeeper furrowed his brow in confusion as she handed the jar to him. He looked at it intently, turning it around in his hands to get a look at all sides of it. “I am fairly certain that it is Mayan,” he told her.

Sam’s mouth dropped open. “Really? That’s … that’s interesting. You wouldn’t happen to know what these drawings represent, would you?” she asked tentatively.

The man frowned. “No, I am sorry, Señora. I am afraid I do not have the archaeologist background.” He gave her an apologetic smile.

Sam nodded. “Thank you anyway,” she said, resigned. Suddenly, a realization came to her. “Actually, my husband is an archaeologist. Would it be possible for you to hold this for me? I’ll bring him back with me either tonight or tomorrow.” The shopkeeper was barely able to give her a confused nod when she continued, “How late are you open?”

“Er … eight o’clock,” he said, still a bit confused.

Sam’s brows drew together as she thought. “I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make it back tonight. If not, we will be here early tomorrow. Is this okay?”

The man nodded and gave her a small smile. “Yes. I will hold it for you, Mrs. …?”

“Oh, it’s Jackson … Sam Jackson,” she replied. She smiled inwardly, liking the way that sounded.

The shop owner nodded and smiled as she made her way to the door. “Have a lovely evening,” he called out.

Sam acknowledged him with a slight nod and exited. As she made her way hurriedly back through the village, she couldn’t help thinking about how intriguing the pictographs on the jar appeared and how they could be of real interest to Daniel. Maybe they could even provide a small lead in the search for more evidence of their theory. “Wait until Daniel sees this,” she murmured to herself as she made her way back toward the bus.

To Chapter 35

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